March 12 (Sun.) 小倉山が泣いている

SPRING March 12 (Sun.) 10:00 or 12:00 - 16:30 小倉山が泣いている Mt. Ogura Is Shedding Tears (MOIST, Part 7, in conjunction with ACE). Will go ahead in light rain. Rendezvous either 10:00 Kyogendo, Seiryouji, Saga for a morning of volunteer rubbish clearance on the mountain (gloves supplied); or 12:00 gate of Okouchi Sanso (top of path behind Nonomiya Jinja) for an afternoon of hiking high above Hozu-kyo and poem composition for 'Ogurayama Hyakunin Isshu' publication. You can do both. Both rendezvous spots are 15 mins. walk from JR Saga Arashiyama. Lunch: bring own bento/sandwiches/drink. There will also be a third rendezvous opportunity for those not wishing to climb the hill - 15:30 at Rakushisha (also 15' from JR Saga). From there, we will visit Saigyo's Well and Utazume Bridge, where Saigyo famously failed to come up with a tanka. 16:30 finish. Organizers: Stephen Gill & Okiharu Maeda.
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