Sunday, January 28, 2007

初句会 New Year Poem Contest in Osaka

Hamayashiki, Aikawa, 27 Jan. From the 30 or so entered, one poem from each of 15 contestants was selected by Jane Wieman without knowing the identity of the poets. Mari Kawaguchi typed them onto a sheet that was distributed to the kukai attendees. We were then given 10 points each to allocate between our favourite 3 haiku; and were later asked to explain why we had liked those three. The photo above shows winner, Mayumi Kawaharada, receiving her prize from a 'new look' Tito. We had time to discuss all poems on the sheets and found at least some merit in most. The kukai is a fun way to get some critical feedback on your poems. For full results, click the COMMENTS key.

Parallel vapor trails
grow in a clear blue sky -
New Year
(Mayumi Kawaharada, 21 points)
vapor rising
above New Year's mochi -
the white-clad shopkeeper
praises this year's beans
(Keiko Yurugi, 14 pts.)