Saturday, May 13, 2006


If you wish to contact us about events, publications and other general matters, please do so through the COMMENTS key below this Board. We will reply to you also through the key. イベント、出版物、その他に関する一般連絡はこのコラム下のCOMMENTS キーにてお願いします。
HAILSTONES (2001) a haiku chapbook ¥700 (sold out)
LOST HEIAN (2003) a Japan-in-Asia haiku gathering ¥800 (discount price for last copies)
ENHAIKLOPEDIA (2005) a haiku almanac, incl. haibun ¥1,300 (reprinting now available, slightly larger format)
Lost Heian and Enhaiklopedia are currently available at Junkudo, 7F BAL Building, Kawaramachi, but no discount price for LH
(PAST: documents are in other posts.)
March 12, 2006 Mt. Ogura Is Shedding Tears Part VII.
May 7, 2006 Ginko under fresh green leaves. 新緑の大山崎吟行

(FORTHCOMING: for some events we still need organizers; offers and ideas through the COMMENTS key, please!)

SUMMER (Jun.-Aug.): Rengakai, Kukai or Rodokukai Sharing? July or Aug. Organizers: Jane Wieman & xxx.

AUTUMN (Sep.-Nov.): 1-2 day Haike (haiku hike). Prob. October. Organizers: David McCullough & xxx.

Ginko under autumn leaves. Kyoto. November. Organizers: Moya Bligh & Keiko Yurugi.

WINTER (Dec.-Feb. 07): Rengakai, Kukai or Rodokukai Sharing? Prob. January '07. Rendezvous: Hankyu Aikawa, Osaka. Organizers: Mari Kawaguchi & xxx.